Thursday, December 24, 2009
Tuesday, December 22, 2009

So, here's the skinny...Haley is her regular bouncing off the walls self today...Thank goodness? I think? Daddy's Doc say's he has Bursitis in his shoulder caused by an injury. I've posted a picture at the bottom to illustrate what's happening. The little bone above the bursa sack in his shoulder is resting on his arm bone, it's not supposed to touch. They gave him a cortisone shot in the bursa sack with 3 vials worth....OUCH! It's swollen and he has a hard time moving his arm. But it should make him feel better, if it doesn't by the middle of January then he get's an MRI to see if something else is causing the inflammation besides the bursitis. Yeah..
Monday, December 21, 2009
Poor Poor Haley
So, yesterday at church I lost it. Sad. But true! We'd been up late the night before, the kids were cranky, I was cranky, Dad was in pain and Cranky!! Haley was unusually cranky....I managed to ground the children to naps when we got home. So, home we were, haley was in her room whining about being in there, she wasn't tired, her clothes were itchy, she had to go to the bathroom 5 times! Then she looked at me and very quietly said ..... mom? I look over at her head peaking around the door frame... She's as white as a sheet! Are you okay? NO! She runs to the bathroom and throws we go! For the next 5 hours she threw up every 10 minutes and had to go BM in between every one. Her father was ready to call an exorcist, I was ready to take her to the doctor. She kept begging for water, but every drop I put down her was up in 5 minutes. Poor poor haley! We finally got her to sleep. Dreading the next day we also went to sleep. 6am. I am in my pajamas and slippers in Smiths looking for pedialite to hydrate my poor daughter. 6am? Well, I couldn't very well taker her with me and her dad had to leave at 7 for a doctors appointment. As soon as I walk in the door, there's haley....talking a million miles a minuet begging for something to drink. I still only gav her a few ounces of pedialite at a time....but so far she's perky and demanding...just like always. I think I need to go lie down....Daddy is going to see the shoulder surgeon today...I'll let you know what they say..ER
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Check Out My Mad Skills!
So, I needed a warm bunting for Shawn for the stroller as I have a crazy love of walking outside in the winter. make a long story short after 2 months of searching I was not willing to pay upside of 50 bucks for one. So I took my hubby to the fabric store while waiting for a play we were early to in Centerville. He picked out the polkadots! Good job hun! Anyway, I couldn't find a pattern to save my life so I got creative. The outside fabric was prequilted and double layered, there is a layer of batting in the middle, and then the ultrafuzzy microflece on the inside. My poor little hobby Pfaff couldn't take the pressure and I broke 2 needles, but all in all it turned out great! I wanted the zipper up the middle for easy access! I made it big enough he can use it again next year, and stuff an extra blanket in there for near zero temperatures. What do ya think?
Thursday, December 10, 2009
LeeLou Swag!
I LOVE this website! She has the greatest products and Ideas! She's giving away a whippy cake rag doll with a hand made dress that is adorable! You want to see! Click the button on my sidebar at the bottom to get to her website!
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Poor Dad!
Monday, November 23, 2009
Oh Holy night...sort of.
Okay, so I was driving home from preschool drop off today and heard on holy night on the radio. I had been thinking about our laundry problem (I haven't done any for 3 days! Yikes!) And came up with a fun song. Haley likes it!
Sing to Oh Holy Night melody:
Oh Holy Cow!
The Laundry’s Piled Up SKY HIGH~
What happened? How did this get out of control?
Long is today, while we wash and dry and fold it.
We will be here, ‘til the su-n leaves the earth.
The thrill of hope, when we find a matching sock pair
The liquid soap … it's cascading down the side.
Fall ….on your knees.
To find….the lost quarter!
Oh There… a dollar!
Oh yeah….oh happy day!
Oh the Laundry is done!!!! Oh, oh oh no, I missed a load.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Our very good friend John Chapman is in a medically induced coma fighting for his life after the H1N1 flu complications. We are praying for his recovery that is very two steps forward, one step back. John has been a great friend to our family in Seaside, I grew up with him around all the time. I can't imagine life in Seaside without him. Please remember this family in your prayers, his wife Karen and his 5 children are an amazing family. I will post his blog link on the sidebar in the "Blogging Buddies" section so you can monitor his progress or make a donation if you can. His family has no insurance and he's going on week 3 in the ICU. A lot of you reading this will know and love him as well. Keep fighting John!
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Sweet Assurances
This weekend was marvelous. Amazing, Beautiful, the answer to prayers. Wow, that's a lot for 2 days to live up to. I must put in a plug. If you have the opportunity to attend Time Out for Women in 2010 (tickets go on sale soon) then GO! My Grandmother and aunts try to attend every year together and make a weekend of it. This year they came to Salt Lake City, we rented a hotel room and had a blast. That was great, but not what I mean by life altering wonderful. Friday night Sister Nelson (Russel M. Nelsons wife) spoke to us, followed by Sheri Dew. They had such strong messages about being women, mothers and sisters today, in the final leg of the race. The theme was What do you Know....despite everything else, what do you know...what sweet assurance do you have that the Lord loves you. The talks touched my heart, and gave many answers to prayers I have repeated over and over for months. Saturday Sister Dew spoke again, Hillary Weeks played beautiful music, and Michael Wilcox gave us examples from the scriptures that I had never before pondered. Sister Belcher, blind from cancer recently, gave us a heartwarming assurance that no matter what we'll be okay if we walk with the Lord. Mary Ellen Edmunds talked about our Life Assurance Policy, it was hillarious and touching. The weekend had me laughing, crying, and relaxed. It gave me answers I was seeking, and a reaffirmation the Lord loves me through the sweet whispering of the spirit that sometimes get's lost in the hustle and bustle of 3 children. Again, I know this is a plug, but GO! It was just what I needed, as well as the 3300 other women there that day. Love ya!
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
So, for the past few nights Shawn has woken up in the middle of the night crying, and soaking wet and cold. Poor kid, so I change him, and the whole bed, but we only own 2 pairs of PJ's (the carts footie jamies-warm!) so I've been putting him in sweats and a shirt. At 6am he wakes up, I walk in the room and he immedietly throws the blanket over his head. I look at my 14 month old completly naked! Fortunatly there is no number 2 anywhere to be found. That would have been too much. Not that it hasn't been too much already! So, needless to say, we're off to buy more footie jamies today! I don't mind the nature baby, it's the looming doom of a crib full of....yuck...anyway....onto much happier moments. Haley is turning 5 on the 10th, this is surreal for me for some reason. Mark turned 7 in September and I almost keeled over! She wants a princess party, I told her she can only have 2 friends (she wants to take them to a movie for her birthday, and that's all that will fit in my car!) She also informed me that she wants to change her middle name to Ginger....why?.....we'll never know. Well, we're off to run in the graveyard, very quiet there...perfect opening to a grand day!
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Can't Buy Me LOVE!
I'm trying my hand at videos so I can get more pictures for less work! It was fun!
Monday, September 28, 2009
We like em big, we like em chunky, we like and skinny? huh?
Well, we had Shawns 1 year the other day. Poor kid is the runt of the litter. 30th percent for his weight (21.4 pounds) and 45th for his height (29 inches). He did exceed expectations in the head department a whopping 90%! (that's no suprise!) He'll definetly be the smallest of the bunch. Marky's was the same day. He's 4'3" and 57 pounds. He is definetly the 95th % for everything. He stands a head taller then almost everyone in class, there is however a girl who shall remain nameless (Megan) who is just as tall, and who he giggles and blushes about when you ask him about her. :) We took some pictures last night on our walk, I'll post them when math homework is finished!
Love ya!
Love ya!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
September Happenings
September went by fast, and it was VERY busy! Our house went from being destroyed in the flood to repaired, almost....Marky had his first day of the first grade and turned 7! Shawn turned 1 and is too smart for me....
Friday, September 4, 2009
Shawn's 1!
Shawn turned 1 on the 2nd! Here is one of his cakes at grandma bev's. Unfortunatly we didn't get his first cake experience at Amy's with Nana. You can see that he likes it though!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
40 days and 40 nights? Took us 2 hours!
Well, when it rains, check the toilet! I took the kids school shopping yesterday and when I returned it was to a small flood. Apparently the toilet overflowed while we were gone and was stuck running. I managed to get the toilet to stop running and started throwing every towel we had on hand on the floor. We used them all up and ran for the neighboors shop vac to no avail. Our bedroom carpet was soaked the laminate in the hallway had water running under it. The water had made it's way into the kitchen and it was raining toilet water into the basement. Part of the carpet was soaked the insullation all had to be pulled and the air conditioner shut off so it wouldn' t short out. So, it was 7pm by this time. I called our homeowners insurance and they sent over a 24 hour disaster clean up crew, thank goodness they came out last night. They managed to pull up the floor in the hall, the tile in the bathroom is cracking and the floor is bending, the bedroom carpet was pulled partially up and the pad removed. The insullation was pulled out of the celing in the basement and about 45 high intensity dehumidifiers/dryers were put in the house. We set up a tent in the backyard and camped for the night. Lisa, bless her heart, is going to take Haley and Mark for me today while I supervise the demolition of my house. They are going to have to take 4 inches up the wall board, and all my baseboards off. So, it will take 3-5 days to dry, then Monday the adjuster comes to estimate damages. Life just got a little more complicated, but then as Mark said last night, "It's just stuff. It can be replaced. It could have been worse. We could have been sleeping and a fire broke out." So, I guess there is always a bright side! We'll be moving into my Grandma's house for the time being. So you can reach me on my cell 801-678-2916. Love ya all! Check your toilets before you walk out the door!
Thursday, August 6, 2009
More Pictures
Pictures from Oregon

Here are some pictures from our trip. I have a lot. I'll post a couple postings of them. The foresty ones are from Short Sands beach. the best Surfing in Oregon, I think. But also great ocean kayaking and boogie boarding. We had a great time, even little mark let me put him on a boogie board!
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Squishin' the Squash Bug's
So, I came back from a long trip to Oregon to see my family. It was great! I'll post some pictures later. I got to see all my brothers and sisters, some I havent' seen in over a year! And we spent a week on a kitchen improvement project for my mom while she was at Girls' camp. She had no idea and broke into tears when she came back. I think I have a picture of that too! Priceless! Anyway, I came home to 3 ravaged zuccini plants and 2 relatively healthy ones. To my horror they have squash bugs, anyone who'se had them knows the best way to get rid of them is to squish them! they don't respond to pesticide. So, I told little mark I'd pay him a nickle for every bug he squished. I'm already up to 5.00! I'm going to be broke soon! I've been removing the eggs as well, hopefully they'll leave my butternut alone. We'll have to take care that they don't winter over in the soil! I know I know I promised pictures, but unfortunatly my camera broke the last day we were in Oregon. So, maybe I'll take the laptop out and get the webcam to take a video for you!
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Unlce "papa" Joel

Uncle Joels funeral was beautiful. A wonderful celebration of his very full life. It was great to see people we haven't seen in a long time. He took his last ride in his green truck and we said goodbye. What a giant of a man who touched many lives. Mine included.
Newport Aquarium...Fish Heads!

Mom and Dad and Lindsay....Smile!!
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Of Joy and Pain
Today we lost our dear Papa Joel. We will miss him greatly! He was such a loving, kind and gentle man. I remember him telling me how he made his rootbeer, of him doing his yard work and giving me an answer to all his questions. Showing me his trains. Smiling while watching the kids play in the sand.
We will miss him dearly, how wonderful it is to know we will see him again!!
Of Joy, we have the arrival of Thomas A. Oscarson today! Mary and Curtis had their baby, 10lbs 7oz boy!
Through both the Lord has shown us his miracles.
We will miss him dearly, how wonderful it is to know we will see him again!!
Of Joy, we have the arrival of Thomas A. Oscarson today! Mary and Curtis had their baby, 10lbs 7oz boy!
Through both the Lord has shown us his miracles.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Oh Cabana Boy!
Shawns incredible new trick.....WALKING! We just had his 9 month appointment yesterday. Yes, he has a big head. Huge head is more like it. He is only 20 pounds though! 8 pounds shy of haley and mark at this age!
Friday, June 5, 2009
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
May in a nutshell
We got our garden planted. What a huge deal! I babied those plants in my kitchen for a month before we planted them! Now my babies are safe in the ground surrounded by slug and bug bait so they won't be eaten! I already have 6 or 7 tomatoes 4 or 5 peppers and a bunch of zucchini! (I planted quite a few plants! I'm thinking of renting a farmers market stall this summer on Saturdays)
We also finally put back up our chain link fence around our new driveway! Yeah! Mark, the superdad, brought home a truckload of sand for the sandbox and we filled it. It's now the hang out spot for the neighborhood kids. We have the front yard about half way re-landscaped after it was demolished by the crew doing our driveway. Boy, I tell ya. That roller COMPACTED the ground! I had a hard time even getting a shovel to penetrate the surface. But, it's almost ready for the tons of Bark we'll dump in there. I actually planted my rosemary, lavender, and Japanese eggplant in the front yard. They were too pretty to hide in the back! My clematis is in full bloom and I think I enjoy spening more time outside then in.
Shawn, Haley and Mark spend life outside with me. Shawn loves to crawl around the swingset and swing. He also has aquired a taste for dirt clods, I'm trying to divert his attention to looking at things, rather then tasting them! He suprised us this weekend by trying to stand up by himself! What a smart boy!
Haley and Mark have made friends with the new family that moved in next door and love to play with the kids all day long. Marky rode his bike without the training wheels for the first time this past weekend! (We bribed him) It was a big deal! He has been afraid of it for the longest time. So after a long weekend of yard work, and his showing off on a bike we took off to see UP the new movie in theaters. It was Fabulous!! We loved it! And that was May in a nutshell! Sorry it was so wordy, that's the way I usually am.... I promise more pictures soon!
We also finally put back up our chain link fence around our new driveway! Yeah! Mark, the superdad, brought home a truckload of sand for the sandbox and we filled it. It's now the hang out spot for the neighborhood kids. We have the front yard about half way re-landscaped after it was demolished by the crew doing our driveway. Boy, I tell ya. That roller COMPACTED the ground! I had a hard time even getting a shovel to penetrate the surface. But, it's almost ready for the tons of Bark we'll dump in there. I actually planted my rosemary, lavender, and Japanese eggplant in the front yard. They were too pretty to hide in the back! My clematis is in full bloom and I think I enjoy spening more time outside then in.
Shawn, Haley and Mark spend life outside with me. Shawn loves to crawl around the swingset and swing. He also has aquired a taste for dirt clods, I'm trying to divert his attention to looking at things, rather then tasting them! He suprised us this weekend by trying to stand up by himself! What a smart boy!
Haley and Mark have made friends with the new family that moved in next door and love to play with the kids all day long. Marky rode his bike without the training wheels for the first time this past weekend! (We bribed him) It was a big deal! He has been afraid of it for the longest time. So after a long weekend of yard work, and his showing off on a bike we took off to see UP the new movie in theaters. It was Fabulous!! We loved it! And that was May in a nutshell! Sorry it was so wordy, that's the way I usually am.... I promise more pictures soon!
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Memorial Day

I have always loved memorial day. All the flags and flowers are beautiful. This memorial day we spent with Jodi. We took flowers to Grandma in the morning and then went on to This Is The Place memorial park and played with the baby animals. It was fun! The villiage had a blacksmith and a barber, and we bought candy at the general store and took a ride on the train. After that we went home and had a bbq with our neighboors. All in all a great day. Here's some pictures
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Our Swap!
So, having been the host of many a card swap I came up with an idea today! Pictures! I don't have any recent family/friend pictures! If your reading this out there in cyber world I don't want anything fancy, I know some are pregnant, some don't feel so hot. I love you however you are! I'm not feeling that hot -- But i'll still do it! So here's the deal. Go out and take a picture with your regular camera, of you and your family. You can have bed head, or just be swinging from a tree. i don't need professional! i want Fun!!! you can e-mail me the pictures at or snail mail them (reply for an address) If you want me to forward you pictures of other family members that may love me enough to send me one reply to this post (hit the comment button) and let me know! You can also let me know if by no means is your picture to be forwarded to any family memeber!! Friends too!! For everyone I recieve we'll send one to you, that's right. Blackmail! I get what I want, you get what you've always wanted! (riiiggghhhttt....) Have fun doing it! Get creative! Watermelon eating pictures, upside down pictures, pirate pictures, the sky's the limit! Love ya!
Monday, May 4, 2009
So, again, our summer fun treat for the kids was a zoo pass. They LOVE the zoo! And for the price it's a cheap summer! Since were down that direction for family anyway we just add a few hours onto our trips for the zoo. Here are some pictures of the kids and the 'animals'.....;) Our favorite thing to do is pack a lunch and go eat it where the birds are, then feed the ducks and ride the carosel, we see the animals we want too then play on the playground. then the kids sleep on the way home!
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