Monday, May 24, 2010

Ode to my garden...ha!

Ode to my garden!
It was so green!
The plants we're thriving,
now they're obscene!

Ode to my garden!
Oh how it grew!
Tomatoes and pole beans!
Now' they're all blue!

Ode to my garden!
I hesitated to leave..
Now the wet cold weather
Has even killed the weeds!

Yes, It's all dead....well not all, my lettuce, onions and radishes are thriving!  I always plant after memorial day. This year the outlook was great, so I planted 2 weeks early.  Ha!  Won't do that again!  The Lord is chuckling at me saying:  "Thought you knew better eh!"  Well, we'll replant in a week, after memorial day...we'll see how it goes!  As soon as I get my pictures back I'll post on Trisha's wedding!


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